John 13:1-17; 31b-35
Maundy Thursday
“We thank
you, Almighty God, for the gift of water.
Over it the Holy Spirit moved in the beginning of creation. Through it you led the children of Israel out
of their bondage in Egypt into the land of promise. In it your Son Jesus received the baptism of
John and was anointed by the Holy Spirit as the Messiah…”
So do we
pray when we bless the water of baptism.
Water is a sign of creation, because out of it all life came. Water is a sign of deliverance, for through
the Red Sea waters, God delivered Israel from slavery and made of them our
forefathers and foremothers a nation to serve God in freedom. Water is a sign of the Reign of God, the New
Life marked by complete transformation and radical vocation, for that is what
Jesus’ baptism meant for him and means for us.
“Te damos gracias, Padre todopoderoso, por
el don del agua. Sobre ella, el Espíritu
Santo se movía en el principio de la creación.
A través de ella, sacaste a los hijos de Israel de la esclavitud en
Egypto a la tierra prometida. En ella,
Jesús recibió el bautismo de Juan y fue ungido por el Espíritu Santo como el
Mesías… Lo oremos cuándo bendecimos el
agua del bautismo. El agua es un señal
de creación, un señal de liberación, y también un señal de la vida nueva y
vocación radical.
But the
list could go on. We thank you for the
water of the Jordan in which Naaman the Syrian was healed. We thank you for the water of the Sea of
Galilee in which disciples swam and fished and on which Jesus walked. We thank you for the water of Cana which he
turned into wine. And we thank you for
the water that he poured into a bowl to wash his disciples’ feet, making of
them a new community to share in his example of self-giving love.
Hay muchos exemplos del agua en la
biblia. El Rio Jordan, en lo cual Náman
fue sanado de lepra. El Mar de Galilea,
en lo cual los discípulos nadaron y pescaron, también en lo cual Jesús
caminó. El agua de Cana, que Jesús
cambió en vino. El agua que Jesús tomó por
lavarles los pies a sus discípulos.
So many
associations with water! But on Maundy
Thursday we gather around our font remembering two. One is our baptism into Christ; the other is
the water with which Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. The thing that links them both is that water
is the means of forming community. When
we are baptized we are initiated into a community, the Church, which we call
the Body of Christ. Christ is incarnated
in this community. Its hands—our
hands—are his, as are our minds, shoulders, legs, and every other body part. He indwells every inch of us. And each of us does not belong just to
ourselves or to our families, but to each other. Feet don’t say to hands, “I have no need of
you,” nor ears to eyes, “I have no need of you.” We are fiercely dependent on each other.
El Jueves Santo, recordamos dos
significanzas de agua, nuestro bautismo y el lavatorio de pies. En ambos casos, agua forma una
comunidad. El bautismo en Cristo nos hace miembros de la comunidad de Cristo que es la iglesia. Se llama “el cuerpo de Cristo.” Todas las partes de nuestros cuerpos son
miembros de Cristo. El vive en cada
parte—las manos, las mentes, los hombros, las piernas, y las demás. Y cada una de nosotros no pertenece solamente
a nosotros mismos o a nuestras familias, sino pertenecemos los unos a los otros.
But water
doesn’t just make us members of Christ; it makes us little Christs. When Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, he
said, “I have given you an example that you should also do as I have done to
you. If I, your Lord and Teacher, have
washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” It couldn’t be plainer. Servants do what their master commands and
models. Pray for each other. Feed each other. Teach each other. Admonish each other. Listen to each other. Care for each other. Wash each other.
Jesús dice, “Si yo, el Señor y maestro, les
he lavado los pies, también ustedes deben lavarse los pies unos a otros. El servidor no es más que su patrón. Ustedes deben hacer como he hecho yo.” Necesitamos cuidarnos mutuamente. Tenemos orar, alimentar, enseñar, admonestar,
escuchar, y lavarnos, unos a otros.
Jesus gives
us a new commandment, that we love one another.
“Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my
disciples, if you have love for one another.” Water by its very nature does not
have sharp and precise boundaries. It
oozes. It seeps. It seeks out the cracks and crannies and runs
into them. And so it is with the love we
have as members of Christ’s Body. Start
loving profligately as he loves, and you’ll find it harder and harder to
stop. Differences between those inside
the church and those beyond our doors will disappear, as identities run
together like ink on a water-soaked page.
El agua no tiene límites exactos. Rezuma.
Se filtra. Encuentra las grietas
y los rinconcitos y va en ellos. Nosotros
miembros del cuerpo de Cristo somos como eso.
Cuándo comienzas amar como Jesús ama, discubrirás
es más y más difícil dejar de amar. Las
diferencias entre personas al dentro de la iglesia y ellas afuera desparacerán.
No es posible lavarse los pies de su
prójimo sino lavarse las propias manos.
Alimenta y ser alimentado. Sirve
y ser servido. Da y recibirás.
Ha llegado la hora. Si todavia no has comenzado, ahorita
Did you
ever notice that you cannot wash another’s feet without washing your own
hands? Never worry about how clean you
are. Just wash another and you will be
clean indeed. Serve another and you will
be served in so doing. Feed another and
you will be fed. Give and you will
receive, good measure, pressed down, shaken together.
Your hour
has come. If you have not yet begun,
begin now.
© Frank Gasque Dunn, 2013
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