O God of eternal mercy, whose heart overflows with love even
for those who despise you:
we remember
with you those who on this day fifteen years ago were killed in an attack on
our nation.
We commend to your mercy all
who died, all who ministered to the suffering, the dying, the wounded, and the
dead; those who caused death and destruction; those who planned the evil; those
who stood by helpless, grieving, stricken; those whose hearts were turned to
rage and bitterness; those who cried for revenge; those who exploited tragedy
for personal and political gain; and all whose souls and bodies have been
twisted and crushed by the weight of sorrow and anger in the ensuing
Lead us all to the fountain of your
Teach us to drink deeply from
the well of forgiveness.
When we cling
to beliefs and attitudes that separate us one from another and from your own
desire for wholeness, aid us to learn and to practice letting go, that our
hearts may be healed, our souls freed, our spirits restored, and our joy be only
to serve you and share your desire to bring all creation into oneness with you,
for the love shared with us through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
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